Centre for Digital Media Adventures
What is Vancouver's best school to learn digital media skills? Plus, where is there a brand new campus with state-of-the-art facilities for students studying its Master's in Digital Media (MDM) program? That's right, it's the Great Northern Way Campus at the Centre for Digital MediaEntrance sign to the GNWC at the CDM
The H+ team has been busy over the last few weeks visiting the CDM at the Great Northern Way Campus (btw - what a fantastic building). Vincent & Dhruv arrive at the CDM for more project work
We've been working with a student team (A5 Studios) on an interesting art exhibit for Brentwood Mall (more will be revealed about this specific project when it is finalized). Dhruv checking the content for the project with the A5 team on one of the class projector screens
Featured in this article are a few pictures from our recent adventures, which included a trip to the industry showcase and presentations where student groups showed off their projects and portfolios to industry delegates and interested parties. We find the whole concept wonderful: not only does the CDM provide a great learning environment but there is a concerted effort to link the MDM to industry in Vancouver.
Students take up internships and learn to integrate into the wider BC digital industry throughout the course of their studies. On show were many industry collaborations including one featuring EastSide Games and one of particular interest to H+Technology featuring Leap Motion technology. Find out about the latest projects here. The student presentations at the CDM
After an hour of presentations, people went through to the hangar to meet individual students and get to know their projects in more detail while enjoying a BBQ and beverage. We even bumped into Justin Williams, a senior interactive designer with NGX Interactive while examining the talent on offer :-)
Check out the awesome YouTube promo video for the MDM program:
For more information do visit our website at http://hplustech.com
And to find out more information on CDM visit http://thecdm.ca