HoloMax gaming experience with multiple players
We have achieved a lot of great HoloMax projects in the past. In this time, we target on the user-group of teenagers and focus on creating a new gaming experience which could allow max to 8 players playing in the HoloMax device. The HoloMax design concept focuses on the motion of encouraging participation in physical activity in teenager’s day-to-day life.

In this time, we are designing a huge size structure so we have to consider the stability, the usability, and the functionality through different areas. We have developed our design into three main themes: Playground, Technology, and Shelter.
The playground theme designs focus on the motion of encourage participation in physical activity in teenager’s day-to-day life. The structure design re-creates the playground look which enhances the childhood familiarity. Playground represents the concepts of energetic activity and encourages multiple players, which are the same concept that we want to deliver through the HoloMax experience. The universal design invites teenagers to join the HoloMax play experience by providing a familiar environment.
This technology theme would propose to materialize technical/robotic elements into the physical HoloMax structure. We aim to enhance the notions of education and entertainment at the same time for users to enjoy the HoloMax experience, and also, create a contemporary and robust design that fits H+ Technology’s brand identity.
Inviting, interactive and stable are the main 3 words in the shelter theme. The design language in this theme focuses on bringing closeness together and sharing interaction with friends. “Shelter” is for multiple users rather than an individual which fits our desire. After research, we found that a sphere shape could represent the closeness and confronts better than a cubic shape. Moreover, sphere shape is a super stable shape, it has more possibilities in either open design or close design.
At this stage, we have made decisions on all the functionalities in our design. From an industrial design perspective, we have to think about the materials, ergonomics and the interaction between teenagers and the device. The appearance of this device should look comforting that makes people can not wait to interact it. Wood should be the most friendly material for this age group to use.