‘We came, We saw, We conquered’: Telus World of Science Community Celebration
H+Technology was fortunate enough to be a part of the 3rd annual Vancouver Community Science Celebration at TELUS World of Science this past weekend. The “World” was opened up to the public with free admission all weekend. The purpose of the event was to celebrate and engage British Columbians in science and to inspire future science and technology leadership throughout our province. H+Technology had a booth setup in the exhibitor area, showcasing our new Magic Box prototype. See video from event below:
The Vancouver Community Science Celebration at TELUS World of Science was the kick-off public event for Around the Dome in 30 Days: A Month Long Science Festival. This month-long series of activities brings the community together to showcase and explore science and technology to cultivate a general public informed, inspired and engaged with the wonders of science.
The Community Science Celebration had some eye-popping science shows, demonstrations and challenges from local science exhibitors, which attracted an audience of over 20,000. H+ managed to interact with a great number of these people, and also received survey feedback from over 1100 participants for the Magic Box.
The event was an overall success as H+ was able to promote its new technology and gauge interest from the public for the Magic Box. We certainly plan to be a part of future events at Telus World of Science and look forward to the community event next year.
For more information do visit our website at http://hplustech.com