Holus and the 3D Artist's Experience
Being just one half of the 3D artist tandem at H+, I often have to assume roles outside of my boundary of expertise, and for me it's a welcome challenge. It's a great opportunity to expand my skill set; often I am not confined to 3D tasks and have tried my hand as a storyboard and concept artist. Working alongside a lot of talented developers and Unity-oriented artists has given me good insight into the workflows of the game engine as well as modelling with games in mind.
Optimization is key. This is a principle for modelers, especially in the games industry. Although Holus is not solely a gaming platform, it is not immune to slow downs caused by having a great deal of high polygonal models, high resolution textures, expensive engine lighting, etc.
The 'low poly' art style is distinguishable by its minimalistic approach to 3D. Marked by objects with low geometric detail, the topological makeup of the models is composed of hardened triangulated faces and the overall visual is toned usually with a warm pastel palette. This style is ideal for when trying to achieve a pleasing look whilst being fairly inexpensive to render. This makes it an ideal candidate for certain projects of ours that involve more or less an entire scene to be displayed at once. The overall look is also appealing enough that it can find appreciation in a wide range of audience niches.
Working on a platform like the Holus is a very unique experience for a 3D artist because you are not limited to viewing your models on one screen, but rather through four different viewpoints. This approach allows you to physically move around to view 3D assets and adds a new dynamic to interacting with technology.
- Marlon Tuazon, 3D Artist
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