Here at H+Technology, Yamin, our CFO, got the idea of making a game like Tetris for Holus. The concept sounded like lots of fun right away, because that meant four players at the same time playing this holographic version of the iconic game.
Posts tagged "gaming"
Holus Mini Vlogs: Game Designer Thoughts
How Holus will Change Behaviour in Entertainment
For most young people nowadays, the main entertainment is video games. During their video gaming, they are just laying on the sofa and staring at a screen. For people that game for long periods at a time, it is bad for their health and many games discourage social interaction between each other. We want to change that.
Gaming and Learning go Hand in Hand
Gaming and education has been trying to come together for many years. Today we’re going to look at how gaming can be applied to a popular teaching structure: Bloom’s Taxonomy.
H+ crew at GDC and How People Reacted to Holus